Sunday 31 October 2010

Early Windmill

This beautiful illustration was taken from an early book on windmill designs. I based the Grand Manner European Windmill on the post and legs in this sketch. It gives some impression of just how big these structures were!

Miniature painting has been very slow this month, with modelling commissions taking most of my time, however I can report that two Foul Mouth Freddy stories are in the pipeline, one for Barking Irons and a second planned for inclusion in the Advent Calendar competition on Orcs in the Webbe

My long-term plan is to write a Novella featuring FMF and hopefully have it printed. The first few chapters are already written, but still need some 'cleaning-up' and detailing. I am lucky in that my Daughter proof-reads the stories, while Craig Andrews at Orcs in the Webbe will help out with producing gaming stats for the various scenarios.

Happy Halloween!


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