Wednesday 20 October 2010

Flash Gordon 30th Anniversary Edition

"Can you believe that it's been 30 years since the "Queen" Flash Gordon film was first released?"

I saw an advert for this Limited Edition Blu-Ray Steel Tin in SFX, October 2010. I know that it has its critics, but for me it is a film for watching when your spirits are low and you need a boost, it never fails to bring a smile to my face..... Flash Gordon's Alive, despatch war-rocket Ajax. See what I mean!

I already have two copied, a VHS (I don't think I will ever part with it) and a more modern and new-fangled DVD copy, so a Blu-Ray is a bit of an over-kill, but Christmas is coming and my Wife reads this Blog!

I am sure that regular readers will know of my love of Flash Gordon, the early Alex Raymond comic strips, The Buster Crabbe black & white cinema cliffhangers, this film and the many, many other re-incarnations. With the one exception of the Sci-Fi TV series, I don't think there's a duff one out there. I might just settle down and watch this film - just to celebrate its Pearl anniversary, many happy returns.



  1. If I was to start a list of the good (no great) things about the film, then the list would have to include;
    Ornella Muti (and not for her acting abilities),

    Brian Blessed for the most 'over-the-top performance EVER,

    Rocket-ship Ajax as the coolest retro spacecraft/rocket,

    Have you got any more?


  2. The Emperor Ming: Klytus, I'm bored. What play thing can you offer me today?

    Klytus: An obscure body in the S-K System, your majesty. The inhabitants refer to it as the planet Earth.

  3. Gordon's Alive, alive, alive....Great film, even with all its over acting. I always manage to watch it whenever its on. I remember going to Saturday morning pictures in the late 70's early 80's and watching the Buster Crabbe series, then going home and playing it, of course as I was the oldest I was always Flash!

  4. I am a devote follower of the comic and animated series but the film... I like the sound track

  5. That Blue Peter/ Chief Scout chap dying at the 'stick your hand in a tree stump and get stung by mini beasties' trial by ordeal type thingie was always a highpoint, and Ms. Muti, of course!
