Tuesday 23 November 2010

Portuguese Cazadores - part six

Regular readers will know of the headaches I have experienced with this particular miniature, a simple re-paint of a Del Prado toy soldier turned into a total disaster (see earlier posts). Over the weekend and yesterday morning I have first cleaned the figure under warm running water and used an old toothbrush to remove most of the Tamiya Flat Base X-21. Once I was happy with the result I over-painted the miniature with a variety of acrylic paints and 'washed' the main areas with Games Workshop/Citadel Washes.

I am attempt to 'save' the model, I have not been as careful with my painting or brush strokes and followed the colour scheme shown on pages 72 - 75 of Wargames Illustrated, Issue 277 - November 2010.

Photo One - Shows the finished and based Cazadore. The painting is more Kevin Dallimore with exaggerated highlights rather than the more subtle effect I was attempting with the original scheme.

Photo Two - I have shown for comparison, the original and unmodified Del Prado Cazadore miniature.

Photo Three - The finished model from a different angle.

And finally - a close up, which still shows areas of cloudy matte varnish.

In conclusion, I am not sure I enjoyed this project, the initial converting and base painting moved along very quickly, while the detail painting was a bit of a bore. The mishap with the Tamiya Flat Base X-21 was a real low point and in all honestly if it wasn't that I had planned for this figure to be a prize in a charity auction I think I would have 'binned it'.

For anyone interested, I have not varnished the figure, leaving the finish as plain paint and GW washes.

Detailing the figure painting in an On-Line build and the many comments I have received has given me the confidence to show mistakes as well as triumphs. Thanks to all for the comments and messages of support. I hope that you have enjoyed the posts (in a sort of masochistic way).



  1. Excellent work and whole orders of magnitude better than the original...

    Excellent paint work - despite looking I can't see any signs of clouding...

    I'd be proud to display him if I won...

    PS. He's a chubby fellow isn't he..?
    PPS. I speak from personal experience... :o))

  2. Tony, it looks really, really good. You've managed to fix it very well and I can't see any signs of clouding.
    It's horrible to hear you would have chucked it, you've done such a wonderful job by fixing it I hope this never comes into mind again!
    The alterations you have made look much better than the original, which if it is meant to be a Cazadore, looks terrible and innaccurate!

