Sunday 7 November 2010

Portuguese Cazadores

In December I will once again be running a 'guess the Vintage Port' competition at my local lodge. This will be the seventh year in a row that I have arranged such a charity evening and in an attempt to do something a little different, I will be highlighting the military treaty between Portugal and Great Britain. Then following the very good article on the Portuguese Cazadores in the latest issue of Wargame Illustrated (issue 277), I thought I would re-paint a Del Prado 54mm miniature of a Cazadores soldier, and auction it following the Port tasting.

I have just won the e-bay auction for this figure and am now hoping I can get the figure re-painted and based in time. It will be a tight call! (I think there might also be a little bit of re-modelling, adding epaulettes and re-shaping the plume and shako!) The good news is that already have a base...............

I will keep an on-line diary of progress, but am now wondering if I have bitten off more than I can realistically achieve in such a short dead line. The Port tasting is planned for December 1st, just 22 days away - and I still haven't received the figure!

I think I will need to hone my speed-painting skills. Hopefully it will turn out OK.


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