Thursday 23 December 2010

Book Review/Reviews

More of a 'What am I Reading' post than a full review. The main bedtime reading is this book by Simon Scarrow, The Fields of Dreams. A fictionalised story giving details of the rise of Napoleon and Wellington and the lead up to The Battle of Waterloo.

I am currently 100 pages into a 700 page book and enjoying the way in which Scarrow has personalised the two main characters, it reads like a film script and it is very easy to imagine the scenes being played out before you.

My second book review is a very (very) old Airfix Magazine Guide, in this case Guide 1 Plastic Modelling by Gerald Scarborough which I picked up in the Acorns Charity shop for £1.50.

I have in the past had most of these guides but for some reason I never picked up this first guide! I realise that a lot of the text and images are intended for 'starters', but even so, I have enjoyed this little bit of nostalgia from 1974.

Full details are;

The Field of Dreams by Simon Scarrow
Published by Headline Review at £7.99
ISBN; 978-0-7553-2440-8

Airfix Magazine Guide 1 by Gerald Scarborough
Published by Patrick Stephens (1974)
ISBN; 0 85059 153 8


Should read 'The Fields of Death', for more details see comments!


  1. with regards fields of death what did you think to the first three in the series?
    im about to start this one too, would be interested to know if a certain northern rifles major turns up - a lot of scarrow and cornwell novels have nods towards one another!

  2. Sorry - but I've jumped right into this one and have not read the first two. Actually this book was bought for me as a thank you.


  3. I think you've made a Freudian slip.

    You have called the fields of death the fields of dreams twice. In the link and in the content.


    I'm not sure Kevin featured hevaily at Waterloo.

    Favourite anecdote from Waterloo? When Wellington is asked to share his plans in case he dies. He pauses and responds with a curious expression on his face.

    "To beat the French..."

    What characters! Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

  4. GDMNW

    You're right - a Freudian slip. Still a great film!


    I did think about changing it, but where would the fun be in that! I hope it has made you smile as much as it did me.

