Sunday 26 December 2010

Christmas 2010

We've had a great Christmas with Holly, Gary and Beckie all enjoying the day and the pressies that Santa brought. This year I was particularly lucky and received a great selection of books;

An Age Of Barns by Eric Sloane - a beautifully illustrated 'coffee table book' that is just jam packed with fantastic illustrations, a gift from my Wife - Susan, and for me my favourite Christmas gift. Thank you.

My Daughter, Holly, bought me a number of books, this by Neil Gaiman looks like fun, a selection of short stories called Smoke and Mirrors. Holly also bought me a Shire book called Discovering Cottage Architecture by Christopher Powell. I look forward to reading more of the Neil Gaiman book once I have finished the Simon Scarrow book.

Band of Brigands by Christy Campbell is the fascinating story of the first men in tanks. I was not aware of this book, but look forward to reading it. Thank you Gary and Beckie.

I have also received two books from the Railway Detective series by Edward Marston, the first was The Railway Detective and the second (actually the fourth book in the series) The Iron Horse. One from Holly and the second from Sue.

The next book is a thriller by Damien Lewis called Cobra 405. A book that details a bank raid in Beirut in 1976 and the repercussions for a group of SAS soldiers.

Finally in this section we have Forged by Chaos by C. L Werner, a Warhammer or Black Library book from the Warhammer on-line game - Age of Recokoning.

As you can see - I've been a very lucky boy this year, with more than enough reading material to keep me going for months. I hope you have been as lucky.


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