Saturday 18 December 2010

IPMS Scale ModelWorld 2010 part eight

In this post I am showing a selection of images taken at the IPMS Show in Telford earlier this year. As you will see there is a real mismatch of subject matter, but all are superb models and well worth checking out

To begin with we have a beautifully rigged model ship - the level of detail is just awe inspiring!

The next three are either submarines or attack boats.

Then some more aircraft images, I think my favourite is the Sopwith Pup.

Finally in this section we have a Games Workshop/Forge World Tyranid. I took two photos of this model as I was so impressed with the natural material used to model the base. There have been many Forum/Yahoo Site comments recently about the improvement of standards in figure bases, this example is very special. As with all of these posts - just 'click' on the image for a larger view.

There are still a few images I have not used from my visit to Telford - these I will keep back for specific posts. I hope that you have enjoyed the reports and the photos


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