Monday 6 December 2010

Orcs in the Webbe Advent Calendar - Day Six

Day Six of this years Advent Calendar sees the return of Foul Mouth Freddy in an adventure called Foul Mouth Freddy Fools the ****ing Ferach. For full details go to this link

Foul Mouth Freddy is a character of mine that has now been featured in three stories/scenarios, this one, Foul Mouth Freddy Spikes the ****ing Gun and Foul Mouth Freddy Saves the ****ing Sheep - you may be able to see a theme in how the stories are named!

I can reveal that there is at least one more FMFreddy story which is due to me featured in Barking Irons in 2011, the working title of Foul Mouth Freddy Steals a ****ing ______! was written by Craig Andrews and myself. It is a three part story/scenario which offers some original gaming ideas, but for more details you will have to wait.

Regular followers will know that the character of Freddy is based upon a family friend (sadly no longer with us and much missed). Freddy has since been immortalized in pewter by Alternative Armies as a Very Limited Edition (just 250 miniatures), for more details of how you can purchase him - go to this link

Finally - I need your help. This years Advent Calendar is offering a very special prize to the the best written story, for full details go to this link on the Orcs in the Webbe page and click on the Competition logo, It is my intention to try and win this Magnum Orcus (very limited edition) book, so please vote when the competition is open and help me secure this very special prize.

I hope you enjoy the story of Freddy and his Orcs, keep an eye out for further entries to Orcs in the Webbe Advent Calendar 2010. I have at least two more articles that are due to be published.


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