Friday 10 December 2010

Orcs in the Webbe Advent Calendar - Day ten

Day ten already - we are fast approaching Crimbo! Today we have the gaming scenario Mordreds Taste for Bones written by me for the 2009 Advent Calendar but due to timing pressures was never posted. It is great to see it in print and I hope that you enjoy playing it.

Please Note; There are some areas of the story that if you are planning on taking part are marked FOR UMPIRES EYES ONLY!

Mordred's Taste for Bones is a traditional multi-player, multi-objective game with many factions battling it out for control of a metal-clad cask containing some olde bones. Goblins, Elves, Orcs and Undead are all involved, which always makes for a good brawl.

As with my earlier submission I will be asking for your help in securing a much coveted prize - an edition of the very rare Magnum Orcus 2010, full details can be found here

I think Craig has done a superb job in editing the Advent Calendar stories and features this year - the boy deserves a medal! So as Craig would say; "Keep the flag flying!"


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