Wednesday 15 December 2010

Orcs in the Webbe Advent Calendar - Day fifteen

Craig from Orcs in the Webbe had asked me for some Flintloque/Slaughterloo images to illustrate a number of the entries for this years Advent Calendar, in particular a few from the Lady Wintermore's Fang's Boxed Set. In addition I volunteered to produce an On-Line Build, showing how I paint my Flintloque miniatures. Here is the result - Orcs in the Webbe Advent Calendar day fifteen

The whole report is a little tongue-in-cheek, however it was cold (minus 8 at some points, and that was daytime temperatures, I have no idea what it got down to at night). I hope that you like it.

I have really enjoyed following the Advent Calendar and feel that a great vote of thanks should go out to Craig who works very hard to bring us this festive treat each year. Well done, and I look forward to the next nine instalments.



  1. Farrrr too cold for any of that!

    Great article, really enjoyed reading it Tony!

    I'm looking forward to what today will bring.


  2. Thanks Rob.

    I am also following the posts on American Marines with Bald Eagle heads - these look like great fun and if they do get cast, I'll certainly be buying a set.

    Don't know what I'll use them for, but they are just so, so Flintloque, I am amazed that the idea has not been thought of earlier!

