Tuesday 11 January 2011

Magnum Orcus 2010

I have ordered a copy of the Magnum Orcus 2010 from Alternative Armies. For those who don't know this is a limited edition run of just 20 copies which are either given away to staff or as competition or draw prizes. The reason I was able to order a copy was that there had been an incorrect print run and when the 20 corrected issues were bound it was decided to sell the incorrect issues at £10.00 per copy (note just one copy per customer).

For more details see this link

My copy arrived yesterday, but I have only just opened it and I have to say that it is fantastic and well, well worth the £10.00. This is a true piece of Alternative Armies history and is it possible that an incorrect version could be worth more than an original (a bit like miss-printed stamps maybe!)

This years edition details the artwork of Edward Jackson (earlier editions have varied content). For anyone familiar with Flintloque/Slaughterloo cover art or feature art Edward's work will be very well known to you.

The 52 pages are packed with black and white illustrations, as well as four colour slides (front, inside front, inside back and back covers). I was particularly pleased and surprised to see Foul Mouth Freddy (page 36), a fantastic and life-like representation of this 'potty-mouthed' Orc Sergeant.

Great work Edward.

I am still hopeful of winning a pristine and correct edition - there are after all at least two competitions I have entered, where the prize is a copy - the Orcs in the Webbe Advent Calendar nomination and vote - details to be listed later this month and a prize draw from Alternative Armies. My fingers are crossed!

For Flintloque aficionado, this is a real rare prize, one that will be greatly sought after in years to come.

A full review is a bit superfluous as with just 40 copies (20 corrected reprints and 20 incorrect) there will not be many who will be able to purchase one.



  1. I just can't wait to get my copy. Last years was excellent, so I have been looking forward to this years, well, all year!


  2. It is indeed awesome !

    Mine too arrived this week and I've had a quick look at it's contents.

    I'd happily buy one of these art/text gobbet books every time they're released.

