Monday 24 January 2011

Modelling Mojo - or lack of it!

During the cold snap leading up to Christmas 2010 I painted very little, in fact I don't think I visited the-shed-at-the-bottom-of-the-garden for a whole month. "My Modelling Mojo had gone!" The start of 2011 was no better and I was feeling very down, but a couple of conversations and all is back on track.....

I've secured my first commission of the year and it's a beauty (sorry - but sworn to secrecy at the moment. Once I have something to show and the OK to post images, I'll be updating the Blog with pictures and text).

In addition I am painting up a set of Very Limited Unit (VLU) figures for Alternative Armies, once again all secret for the moment, but they should be ready for posting prior to the launch of Bier and Bones (the new Flintloque supplement) this quarter.

Plus plans for a Flintloque inspired Novella are moving ahead at pace. It always happens that things come along in threes! The basic story is completed and I am just doing re-writes (and more re-writes).

From slow and lethargic 'Mojo-less' to full throttle in just a couple of days. It is amazing how quickly my barren modelling and painting period has turned around. Now I'm having to pace myself and plan my time, a huge change from just one month ago.

Following a post on The Miniatures Page (TMP) when Gribby was asking for advice on how to overcome Painters Block, I was in the same dark place, but as I replied - it usually comes back with time! See this link for more details.

To anyone else in a similar situation, don't worry - be happy. Your Modelling Mojo will return.



  1. Hi!

    Weirdly I have had the same problem and ranted about it over on my blog:

    It seems to be a new year thing!

    All the best

  2. Wise words and good advice there Dampf- and glad to hear you're back in the saddle...

  3. Hey Tony

    I have the opposite problem, I have loads of gaming stuff going on and I'm really in the mood for it, but when it comes to real life and uni, I can't be bothered. It's starting to worry me.

    I hope your gaming mojo recovers, I always enjoy seeing what you are up to on your blog!

