Friday 21 January 2011

White Hart Lancer - a sketch

This image is of a pen and ink drawing that I completed many years ago. I was recently re-insulating the attic and came across this and other drawing that date back to 1984. I intend posting all of these early images, but thought I would start with this Fantasy Lancer or White Hart Lancer.

The images were drawn on artist quality tracing paper and used 0.3 - 0.5 mm drawing pens. As stated above, I produced a number of similar images, but had to stop as the technique caused me to have eye strain.

The inspiration was Rohan from Lord of the Rings, but based on The White Hart riders which in turn is a derivative of Harwood - Hartwood or White Hartwood!

I had thought about leaving these in the attic, but have instead published them here for the first time in the hope that regular readers will enjoy them.


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