Thursday 10 February 2011

Alumwell Wargames Show

I plan on visiting the West Midlands Military Show which is organised by the Alumwell Wargames Group on Sunday 13th March. This is my local show and one that I enjoy visiting due to the friendly atmosphere. It is my opportunity to catch up with friends and fellow wargamers.

For more information go to this link

This will be the fifth or sixth time I have attended this show in a row, and can even remember having days out when it was held at the high school just of the M6 junction, near Walsall.

I can be identified by my greying hair, glasses and backpack. Wait a minute that's a description that would be common to about 50% of the visitors! OK, I'll be wearing my red jacket.

If you see me, or even think you've seen me - make yourself known.


Please Note;
Alumwell Show, is the 13th of March and not February as I initially posted.


  1. Hi Tony.
    just to point out that WMMS show is on 13th MARCH (not Feb as you've posted) - just in case anyone goes without checking!!
    A good show, which I can't make this year.

  2. Hi Tony,

    I'm planning on the attending the show as it is also my 'local'. I'll look out for the red jacket but I'm sure it's Sun 13th March not Sun 13th Feb.


  3. That's not too far away from my good self. I might try and head over.


  4. Sorry for miss-information. the show is the 13th of March and not 13th of February as I initially posted - sorry and thanks for putting me right.


  5. Hi Tony, hoping to make it, I''l lookout for the red jacket.

    All the best

