Sunday 13 March 2011

Alumwell Wargames Show 2011 - part one

I have just returned home from a very enjoyable day at the West Midlands Military Show 2011 where I met up with a number of friends and wargaming contacts. The show which is in its 35th years was once again very well attended with traders, exhibition games and members of the public. I arrived just after 10.30am and am pleased to report that I was able to find a parking space - something that is a bit of a rarity for this show and venue. The £3.00 entry cost was paid with pleasure and within the first couple of minutes I was meeting and greeting.

The show was laid out in the traditional manner with traders around the walls of the main hall and exhibition and wargames to the centre. At first the 'bring and buy' was too busy for me, but later in the day, when the scrum had subsided I managed to pick up some bargains, more of that later.

I think the outstanding display for me for the WW2 re enactment group who had put on a really fine exhibition which also allowed members of the public to take part - very well done. Secondly I spent a great deal of time talking to members of the IPMS Birmingham and IPMS Stafford Groups, I will upload some photos in later posts.

The main content of this first WMMS 2011 post are a set of photos showing the 28mm Grand Manner AWI buildings that were sculpted by me. John has done a great job in painting them

I spent a great deal of time discussing current and future modelling plans and really should have taken more photos. However as I was leaving I once again got that 'glowing' feeling of a day well spent. Thanks to all who took the time to introduce themselves to me and a special thank you to all who offered advice.

It was commented on - that my Blog has been a little light or quiet in recent months. I can report that in fact I have been very busy, writing, modelling and painting. However most of these commissions are of the secret nature or having been produced and accepted are in fact waiting to be published, the real world operates at a much slower speed than the instant nature of Blogging!

My main purchases were some Flintloque Miniatures (no surprises there) from Gateshead Gaming, a couple of packs of Military Modelling from the 'Bring and Buy' stand and a rather fine 60mm figure of a Royal Horse Artillery Trooper Mounted Rocket Corps 1814 which I intend repainting and rebasing at some time. Even though I went with a fair amount of pocket money, this was one show where I enjoyed the company rather than the purchases.



  1. Hehe! I had a little look through the flintloque stuff at Gateshead Gaming, didn't get any! I did however, get a pack of each of the original Todoroni from another stand that found them at the back of their garage! No' bad eh!

    Shame I didn't catch you there, I was really hoping I would! But I have no idea what you look like!


  2. Hi Rob,

    No problem. I am sure that we will meet sometime. I saw the Todoroni blisters - Mr. Models stand I think. I picked up a couple of Bog Orcs and some Highland Rats but mainly magazines and some terrain pieces.

    In truth there wasn't a lot of Flintloque there.

    I hope you had a good time.


  3. I now know that these photos were from the Birmingham Wargamers Group - The battle of Brandy Wine, see;


  4. fantastic tony, they are on my shopping list when I start my AWI project later this year.

    Sunny Oz
