Wednesday 30 March 2011

My 200th Follower

Earlier today J P Chapleau became my 200th Blog Follower.

Thank you and welcome to all and I hope you still enjoy reading about my modelling projects. I feel I have to apologise for the lack of recent posts, it is not because I am not modelling, but more down to the fact that a lot of the commissions I have been working on during the last three months are still to be published or cast in resin and I find it difficult to post details on models that are still to be made available!

I promise that as soon as I have clearance I will post details and photos here.

Finally, it is highly unlikely that I will be able to attend SALUTE 2011 although I am trying to rearrange holidays so that I can drive down and see the Gallipoli gaming board that I helped model from Grand Manner. Dave will be attending as a guest of Wargames Illustrated and I know that this fantastic display board will be the centre piece of the whole show.

Once again - thank you.



  1. Sorry to hear you won't be at Salute.

  2. Sorry you're not getting to Salute this year. If it's any consolation, neither am I. Same problem, clashes with a family Holiday.

  3. From the pictures I've seen, that Gallipoli game board looks fantastic and pretty realistic. I visited the real site back in the 90's; seeing the location makes you realise just how the attack managed to break down so quickly and resort back into trench warfare.


  4. I guess I'll settle for being 199th... Great stuff by the way!

  5. And there was much rejoicing and no one seemed to mind Sir Robins minstrels, happy 200.

    I have had a quick glimspe of the Gallipoli Table and was blown away, great work.

