Thursday 3 March 2011

The Notables - Flintloque Yahoo Group Painting Competition

It's that time of year again and the Notables (a Yahoo Group dedicated to games from Alternative Armies - Flintloque, Slaughterloo etc.) are discussing the latest painting competition. You can follow the progress so far by searching out this link

The main reason for this post is to gather information from readers/followers as to how they have organised painting competition in their groups or clubs and for constructive comments about how this years competition should be organised.

I am hoping that the latest painting comp. will be themed as the last one was, where not only did you have to paint a specific group of figures, but also invent a background or regimental history for them. For inspiration here are details of my entry

I have kept each of the entries from last years competition on my hard-drive and regularly refer back to the very inventive and humorous entries.

The Notables cannot be the only group that organises such competitions and I would be very interested in reading about how others are structured and judged as there has been a comment that there should be a panel of judges as opposed to Group members voting for their favourite.

Regular readers will know that I am a strong supported of the Flintloque/Slaughterloo gaming system and background and plan on entering a figure/set of figures once the full rules are agreed and posted.


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