Friday 29 April 2011

The Cabbage Patch - a modelling tutorial for Flintloque

Some time ago I produced a couple of modelling tutorials for the paper based magazine Barking Irons. Regular readers/followers will know that this publication is now Web based and edited by Craig Andrews of Orcs in the Webbe fame.

The latest update of Barking Irons Online (or BIO) features part one of a two part tutorial written by me - The Cabbage Patch. Full details can be found here the second article detailing how the piece was painted and textured will follow shortly.

Photo One - Shows our hero Foul Mouth Freddy making his way through the main gateway of the Cabbage Patch.

Photo Two - Shows the modelling complete. Next stage painting.

I have been asked to produce a series of regular terrain building articles for BIO, I hope that this is the first of many and that you like it. Should any reader have any suggestions for future terrain tutorial, please contact me here or at the Notables


1 comment:

  1. I have nominated you for the viral "Stylish Blogger Award", details here:

