Tuesday 10 May 2011

Timber Framed building, Bewdley, Worcs.

I was particularly struck by the framing of this beautiful building when visiting Bewdley earlier this week. The first photo shows the building from the main road, while the second and third are taken from the rear. This building is situated near to the bridge on the East side of the river.

There are many timber framed buildings in this area of Worcester, all have some feature or other worth checking out.

If you intend visiting Bewdley at any time in the future, I can recommend calling into Bewdley Museum and browsing the working exhibits and craft areas. In addition just up from the museum is a very unassuming shop cammed Totally Patched - a patchwork shop and craft centre. The first floor workroom has some of the very best exposed beams I have ever come across. Well worth a visit.



  1. That was a surprise to see on the random "Next Blog" thing -- I live in Bewdley, so this is a very familiar building to me. Worth noting re Bewdley Museum that a) it's free, and b) if you go right through to the back you come out in Jubilee Gardens, which among other things gives you a decent view of the backs of quite a few of the houses in High Street and so on.

  2. It's nice and quaint but must be a nightmare to maintain, grade 2 listed?

  3. To Logan,

    Thanks for that tip. I'll try it the next time I visit. I would like to see the back of some of these historic buildings - they can sometimes be more interesting that the front.


  4. While I languished in a hospital bed last week I had access to a TV. Mostly the daytime TV schedule was rubbish but I caught a couple of good programs including Fred Dibnah's Building of Britain. The third episode in the series was The Age of the Carpenter and was all about the wooden buildings of the late medieval through to Tudor times. Definitely worth watching if you get a chance.

  5. To Big Lee,

    Thanks for the heads-up. I will search out this episode.

