Thursday 30 June 2011

11,200 hits in June and 230 followers!

This month I have seen my Blog stats counter confirm over 10,000 hits per month for the first time. I am aware that there have been a number of minor issues with Blogger and that these figures may need revising, but please allow me some satisfaction in recording 11,200 hits for June 2011.

I instigated a Blog counter just one year ago and I have seen a regular increase in both followers and hits with an average hits per month of between 8000 and 9000 or 2000 plus per week. In June these numbers increased to an all time high with 11,200.

In addition the number of Followers has also grown to over 230. Thank you for your continued support and more importantly comments. Comments are always welcome.

I started this Blog to record some of my model making and figure painting adventures, but it has since grown to include a whole host of labels and topics. I have no regrets and look forward to writing more.

Once again Thank You for your support.



  1. Well done on the number!! I too started my blog just to record my painting but like yours mine has grown into an extension of wargaming, which is a good thing I think, (although my Mrs doesn't agree!!)

  2. Well done Tony, your blog posts is always a good read.

