Friday 3 June 2011

Library closures

At a recent visit to Droitwich Spa Library I read that there was some talk about the closure of this and other local libraries. I know that I do not use my library often enough, but still feel a warm affection to this building and service.

Over the years I have been a regular member of the library borrowing books, tapes and CD's. I enjoy using the Worcestershire Reference section, looking at old papers and reports of the area. It will seem strange if this resource is taken away from me.

With government cuts this will not be the end of these closures, but I feel strongly that a local library is more than just a book lending service and should be saved.



  1. Librarys seem to have been an easy target for cuts for many years. But the range of services they offer has kept pace with the needs of the community they serve.

    We have had several small local librarys shut over the past five years but on the plus side a new, larger building has been built. It's now in the main shopping precinct, with a high flow of potential 'customers' past its doors.

  2. Yes - and the best way to do that is to use it - often.. my family has made a concerted effort to use all our tickets, and get in to the library at least once a week - fortnight most...

  3. Listening to the radio today, they were talking about local volunteers taking over the running of the libraries.

  4. Aye, it seems to be somewhat a global phenomena, both the closures and the consolidations. If the decision has been already taken in regards to the first, then fight for the second. If no decision yet, organise. Get in first!
