Wednesday 8 June 2011

Mountains of Madness by H. P. Lovecraft

Radio 4 Extra (previously Radio 7) is serialising the H. P. Lovecraft novella Mountains of Madness. I have caught part one and two, but might have to miss part three as I am out this evening.

I've enjoyed the narrative story so far and would recommend it to all CoC fans.



  1. One of my favorite HPL stories which I have read dozens of times. It is suposedly being made into a film (slated for release in 2013) by Guillermo del Toro. However Universal Pictures still hasn't given a green light to the movie.

  2. and good this broadcast is..

  3. Any film maker is going to have a tough job converting this epic to the screen.

    The descriptive passages of the book and the radio play instil a grandeur that would be very difficult to convert. In addition I have felt when listening to the slightly monotone narrator a real feeling of tension and horror.


  4. Nevermind the story, even the music gives me the willies!
