Wednesday 20 July 2011

Working with foam - part two

If ever there was a post that highlights just how hap-hazard I am when it comes to modelling - then this is it!

As regular readers will know; I am a frustrated terrain builder, held back by never having enough room and too many ideas or projects. The Typhon or Ancient Greek/Greek Mythology project is a case in point. Now that I have a couple of figures I have been looking around for a sand coloured gaming board. Earlier this week I saw just the board a 4ft x 4ft table (ex-Ikea I think) for sale for just £5.00. Unfortunately my Wife was with me and even as I was checking the table out, I heard comments like "don't you dare" and "where are you going to put it!"

Back home, even more frustrated at missing out on such a bargain, I thought I would start on a small project a well, a Greek well or fountain similar to the one seen on the El Viejo Dragon site, see V43.11. I sketched this and set about building this simple and small terrain piece (remember the word 'small') out of scrap foam. This is where the whole project came unstuck and a simple sprint turned into a marathon - well at least a 15,000 mtrs.

Seriously, you just have to follow how this modelling project developed and turned into..... Well that would be telling. My next post will give more details, until then.....



  1. Good luck with that.
    Only one suggestion mate:
    what you want to write on the temple shold go like this:
    Α Γ Α Θ Η Τ Υ Χ Η

    A quick tip, from a fellow Greek!

  2. Thanos,

    Thank you, unfortunately, a little too late - I hope that my model does not offend Greek readers.

