Thursday 4 August 2011

My inspiration

For the last couple of months I have been writing short Masterclass articles for Craig at Barking Irons Online My plan is to build up a library of articles to be published each month, already there are three articles available; Tilting at Windmills, Cabbage Patch and Dwarf Lager.

In my search for inspiration I came across the Snapdragon site and was struck by the 'quirky' style of these resin models, later in my search through some early Miniature Wargames magazines I found some adverts for Snapdragon scenery. I think the style of these sculpts is just fantastic and my plan is to build some Flintloque inspired terrain pieces in a similar style - not copying, more an homage.

For now I promise to keep the Blog updated and notify regular followers of any updates. On a separate note August this year is planing to be a busy month for me and the whole family as on the 13th my Son, Gary marries Beckie, his sweetheart from school. Then on the 15th my Daughter moves to Bangkok, Thailand on a two year teaching contract. Please excuse the lack of updates, I am sure you will realise the reason/reasons.


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