Tuesday 9 August 2011

An Ogre of Valon - part four

A quick 'n' dirty update. First the red uniform. I have used Red Gore as a base and Blood Red as a highlight, once fully dry I washed the area with Baal Red wash from GW. (Note; I have only Basecoated and then one highlight - I find this works better with red, which can be highlighted too much and either look orange or worst still pink!)

Next we have the 'buff' cuffs and turnbacks. I started with a 50/50 mix of Snakebite Leather and Bad Moon Yellow then highlighted with Bad Moon Yellow and later an extreme yellow highlight of Craft Paint Gloss Yellow which looks a little strange at the moment - but should dull down once matt varnished.

There is still a lot to do, but I am enjoying this On-Line Build, something that has been on my 'too do' list for some time.


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