Friday 16 September 2011

A Quartet of Deadloque Characters - part four

Number four in my small themed collection of Deadloque miniatures.  This one is a Grenadier Miniatures Ghost (M18) bought off e-bay and modified for Flintloque/Deadloque gaming. The lower body has been extended (a paperclip and some Green Stuff) and a modified Czapka (hat) added from the lancer from the original Deadloque box set (5002).

Mounted on to a 2p coin with the groundwork built up with Milliput and sieved sand.

This photo shows the new and the old Ghost, both modified and as you can see painted in different colour schemes. I think I prefer the all grey version rather than the one with the black/red shako.

All four Deadloque Characters based, painted and varnished. One stock Deadloque, two modified Deadloque and one Grenadier Miniatures figure.  All-in-all I am pleased that I have been able to clear some of my lead mountain and hope that these step-by-step images have been of interest.


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