Tuesday 11 October 2011

Ming Officer for Flash Gordon

This particular character model is a conversion of an officer figure from the 40mm Graven Images/Cliffhanger range (sometimes available from Monolith Designs).  The model uses the body of the 40mm Cliffhanger miniature (CH015 Mongo Officers)  with the head and Greek helmet from a Spartan Miniatures Hoplite (HML003 Greek Hero B).  I have 'pinned' the head for added strength and filled the gaps with Green Stuff.  Additional uniform detailing is built up with Green Stuff.

Photo One - Shows the finished miniature mounted on to a 40mm round base, the groundwork being built-up with broken cork (old wine bottle cork) and Milliput.

Photo Two - The same miniature but with the image taken from a different angle.

Photo Three - Neither figure is 'stock' both having some conversion/detailing work carried out but I do feel that this photo shows how a miniature can be easily converted.  I choose the dark red colour scheme for two reasons, firstly to make it as different as possible to the white clad figure and secondly as I did not want another blue clad officer. I am less confident at painting blue than I am at painting red?

I converted and based the figure just over a week ago, having the Spartan head in my spares box.  The painting was finished in one evening with the gloss varnish going on last night and the matt varnish and flock being finished this morning.

Overall I am happy with this finished figure (particularly the jewel on the belt buckle) however I realise that my 'idealized' or 'impressionistic' painting style may not be to everyone's liking.  Given that my two previous Flash Gordon miniatures - Vultan and Frigia Officer have not come out as expected, I am pleased that this one has.



  1. Great painting and great figures as well.

  2. I'm pleased also! This "meanie" is ready to rumble.

  3. Great conversion! That head really suits the figure, and the overall feel of the force.

  4. Hi Dad,

    Looking good! Thanks for the post on my blog :P Like the Flash Gordon model. When is your 'away day' with Dave?

    Love you lot xxxxxxxxx
