Wednesday 26 October 2011

On-Line build for Halloween - part three

With the bead pumpkins added I basecoated the whole piece with a mixture of Chaos Black and Scorched Brown.

Photo One - The model all ready for painting.

Photo Two - I started with a couple of simple drybrushes. Snakebite Leather for the trunk and Grey (Chaos Black and Skull White) for the rock.

Photo Three - The drybrushing was refined and the groundwork filled in.  The pumpkins were painted over a Brown base with Orange and later Orange/Yellow highlights.

Photo Four - The stalks were painted over a very dark Green and highlighted with lighter Green (Forest Green from Foundry) and then Green/Yellow. Prior to fully finishing I gave the pumpkins a 'wash' of Baal Red from GW.

Photos Five, Six and Seven - The Halloween inspired terrain piece finished and flocked with railway scatter (as are all of my terrain pieces - to 'blend-in with my scatter covered gaming board).

I find these modelling interludes fun as I can usually finish them between jobs. This particular piece will be added to my growing collection of Flintloque gaming terrain and I feel fits in well with the 'fun' or 'comic' feel of Flintloque.

I hope that this short On-Line Build has been informative and maybe inspire others to keep their vegetable waste and build some simple terrain piece!


A little earlier than expected - but Happy Halloween.


  1. I am sure Olde Rogipoos wouldn't mind. So I have included this link from The Notables detailing the history of Olde Clawtwigge. Full details can be found her;

    Anyone not familiar with Rogers writing may find this somewhat surreal. But that's Roger for you. I find his prose fun and inventive and I have regularly commented that he should be a full time writer.

    Thank you Roger.


  2. I like this! It looks good! Still a few days until Halloween though - surely you could make something else too...grave stones or a grave with a zombie hand sticking that'd be good!

    And maybe you should do this for all major holidays...what about a bonfire with a guy for Nov 5th? :D

    (Can you tell I'm missing autumn and winter out here?!)
