Tuesday 18 October 2011

An On-Line build for Halloween

With Halloween fast approaching I thought this On-Line build would be fun.  Last year I kept this pumpkin stalk and dried it out on the window sill. Since then it has laid gathering dust and waiting for me to decide what to do with it.

I trimmed off the base of the stalk with a large 'snap-off' bladed knife and mounted it onto a dried wood/bark chip with my hot glue gun.  Both pieces were then glued to a rough oval of 3mm plastic card.

The groundwork has been built-up with Terracotta coloured DAS Modelling Clay to model this old and gnarled tree trunk. This is not an original idea - but one copied from some article on the Web, sorry that I cannot remember where it came from or who posted it. If anyone remembers seeing it, please post details in the Comments section.

Finally for this post, I have added some ground texture by sprinkling sand and small sieved stones over uPVA glue. You should also be able to see where I have modelled roots and additional features to the trunk.

I am pleased with the effect so far and will be starting the painting soon. It is my hope (but not a promise) that I will be able to finish this piece of terrain before the 31st.

The piece is 110mm long x 65mm wide x 55mm tall.

Almost a year on and I am finally getting around to modelling something from this Halloween Pumpkin stalk.



  1. Great eye for seeing a practical use for an old pumpkin stem, which would be used for piece of model scenery. The work is coming along just fine. My 1st thot, as I saw the WIP, was "Jessie the werewolf hunter", from Reaper Miniatures, standing at the edge of the rocky point, looking out over the vista for signs of Lycanthrope lurking about.

  2. Very interesting idea. I'll have to keep a closer eye on my kitchen waste for more terrain ideas!
    You could of course turns Jays idea around, and have a werewolf standing on the edge howling at the moon.

  3. That's rather special, the key is drying it out and a year would be right I guess... if you didn't the result could become quite unpleasant. Here's to having it finished by all hallow eve.

  4. Trust you to make something out of kitchen waste - was wondering why that was being kept on the windowsill!

    Missing Autumn and Halloween already - make sure you make it look really Autumnal for me please!

    Love you!xxxxxxxxxxx
