Wednesday 25 January 2012

Architecture of the Russian North

Earlier today I accompanied my Wife into Worcester City Centre to pick up some new clothes that she had ordered for an up and coming wedding. Once we had finished shopping I had a quick look around the charity and discount book stores to see if there was anything new.  I came across a second-hand, hard-backed book called Architecture of the Russian North 12th - 19th Centuries published by Aurora Art Publishing, Leningrad in 1976.

The book was slightly water damaged but made up for this by being crammed packed with beautiful and evocative colour images of various Russian buildings and landscapes. At just £2.50 I fell in love with it and just had to share some of the photos.

The text is English, with some additional notes and reference pages in Russian. Of the 200 pages plus there are photos of churches, official buildings and even peasant huts all of which just cry out to modelled. My collection of architectural reference books mainly cover Great Britain and Europe so this is a very welcome addition.

Kargopol district, Village of Liadiny, St. Blaise's Church.

Church of Presentation.

Architecture of the Russian North - the cover, 270mm x 210mm.

Village of Permogorye, Church of St. George.

Bolshoi Klimetsky Island, Village of Korba.

I enjoy searching charity book shelves for suitable reference material/inspiration and when I find something as great as this it makes it all worth while - I hope that you enjoy them as much.


Additional note;
It appears that a number of images have been hand-coloured. Either that or the photos have been taken with some very old Kodak film!


  1. Let`s see some more of these great pics as I fancy a go at a model.

  2. I'd love to see more, especially of the "typical" village and rural buildings.

    I've been bashing together some Russian huts and now a church in 28mm with a Northern Russian vibe, all timber and thatch. More inspiration for a few more buildings for a proper hamlet would be great!
