Tuesday 31 January 2012

Blog Stats

February 2012 sees this Blog celebrate it's 4th anniversary, however January 2012 saw some special landmarks that I feel need marking.

800 Posts to date

289 Followers so far

Over 10,000 page views for January alone

Thank you to all my followers (official and those who just stop by for a browse). I started this Blog as a means of record my modelling (and painting) projects but it has grown to be something of a labour of love and something that I really enjoy. It was also started as a bit of therapy as during this four years I was made redundant and the daily writing has helped me through this period. 

In addition Dampfwerks (once again thanks to Steve Blease for the name) continues to bring in money, although I have now learnt not to post WIP shots as it can cause aggravation to the commissioner.

I hope you enjoy reading the Blog as much as I enjoy updating it.



  1. Always a pleasure and an inspiration. Congratulations on the landmark.

  2. Big congratulations, always interesting and inspiring, keep up the great work.

    All the best

