Wednesday 8 February 2012

Well, Spring and Trough - a modelling Masterclass

The latest Modelling Masterclass featured on Barking Irons Online is a scratch-built village well. for full details of the planning, construction and painting go to this link

The characterful structure was based on an internet/Google image I came across when researching the earlier and simpler stone and wooden troughs and once I saw it I knew that I had to model it.

I have used a number of modelling techniques to reproduce it and hope that by passing on these skills I will inspire others to build their own terrain pieces.

Photo One - The finished Well, Spring and Trough.

Photo Two - The same model shown alongside the wooden and stone water troughs that have featured in earlier posts on this Blog.

Photo Three - A view of the rear of the stone building. Showing both the water pump detail and the simple wooden door.

As stated earlier, a characterful model which could adorn a wide range of wargaming tables, periods and genres.



  1. Wells and troughs are a very good idea!
    Yours look great! I'll try to put my hands on some Styrodur :)

  2. Wonderful model and great 'how to' posting.

  3. Great looking models. Best, Dean
