Monday 19 March 2012

Gingerbread Mania - part five

The Pledge continues! The four Very Limited Edition miniatures are now fully painted but still await varnishing and flocking. VLE11 Gingerbread Set is now available from Alternative Armies, see here for full details of how to order and read the great background story.

Photo One - Not much to add to earlier posts. I have finished the white chef's uniforms in various tones of White, re-painted the ginger beard on the larger of the two Dwarves and added some colour to the Gingerbread Man by painting his sugar-coated Jellytot Buttons Red and Green.

Photo Two - Bakerov the Cook and his two Dwarf assistants Findas and Burtseye.

Photo Three - The painted Gingerbread Man.

The 2p round bases were painted in my usual colour scheme of Snakebite Leather/Skull White with individual stones picked out in Chaos Black/Skull White. When fully dry, I washed the groundwork with Black and Sepia washes from GW.

Now that the figures have been 'officially' released and there are plans for a Demo. game at next months SALUTE, I will have to 'pull my finger out' to get this little group varnished and flocked. Once they are fully finished, I will add some more images.


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