Tuesday 6 March 2012

Gingerbread Mania - part two

Part Two of this months Pledge was basing and undercoating the Limited Edition miniatures.

Photos One and Two - show all four figures based on 2p coins with the groundwork built up with Milliput. And when fully set, sieved sand was sprinkled over some uPVA glue.

You maybe able to see that I have added a small amount of Milliput to the upper body of the Gingerbread Man to fill two small holes.

Photos Three and Four - Not much to see as the Black undercoated miniatures were photographed with a flash light!

Photo Five - The two Dwarves and the Head Chef have had their flesh areas painted. The Dwarves were painted over Snakebite Leather with some Bloody Red added and highlighted with Skull White. While the Head Chef was painted over Snakebite and highlighted with Ghost Grey to give a less healthy pallor.

Photo Six - The Gingerbread Man has been basecoated with Scorched Brown and highlighted with a Scorched Brown and Snakebite Leather mix. Once the paint was dry I washed the whole miniatures with Black and Brown washes.

Progress on this particular Pledge is moving quite quickly. I may even have time to start something else!



  1. Fantastic! Can't wait to see the final finished outcome.

    I WANT ONE!!! :)


  2. Great work as usual Tony, looking forward to this.
    I want to paint one, I have a model sitting in a pack in the cupboard so should get the "skin tones" right at least.
