Friday 20 April 2012

List of Published Articles

I have recently uploaded a list of Articles that I have had published, either in paper publications or electronically. The list shows most (not all) of my modelling or short story articles up to April 2012. The list can be found here on my sister Blog Dampfwerks.

The Dampfwerks Blog was intended as a portfolio to show prospective clients some of the work-in-progress and finished commissions I have undertaken. In truth most of this has been detailed on this Blog and Dampfwerks (the Blog) has been very quiet (compared to this Blog).

As a semi-professional model maker, I have found that commissioner have sometimes asked that I do not show  work-in-progress or comment on models until they are released and this has meant that the main 'modus operandi' of the second Blog has been curtailed. I have included this list and another link to Dampfwerks in an attempt to show that when Dampf's Modelling Page is quiet it does not mean that I am not working on a model.

Finally, I hope that this link inspires others to produce models.


1 comment:

  1. An impressive body of work - and yes inspirational.
