Tuesday 17 April 2012

Salute 2012 - an update

With imitation being the sincerest form of flattery, I have this very day bought myself a personalised wargamers poloshirt. The idea was unashamedly stolen from this Blog post

This will be the first time I have tried this form of self-promotion (being by my very nature a rather shy and retiring individual - and if you believe that, then you really don't know me at all). It will be interesting to see if;  A - it has any effect? or B - it starts a new trend in wargame show attire?

If you see the grey-haired old browser in this grey poloshirt, don't be embarrassed to tap me on the shoulder. I doubt if there will be two wearing the same dampfpanzerwagon branding. See you soon.



  1. Cool! The rejects will keep an eye open for you.

  2. Interesting even if I prefer a shirt to a polo...

  3. We shall certainly keep an eye out for you!!!

  4. I'll keep an eye out for you... ;)

  5. Can you wear that around Droitwich or if popping over to Bromsgrove? So if I see you I can say hello. Not attending Salute this year unfortunately, looking forward to your report on the show.

  6. I am sure you will start a trend Tony! I look forward to seeing you at the weekend.


  7. Looks good! :D Hop the show goes well. Keep a tally of how many taps on the shoulder you get! :) Love you xxx
