Wednesday 16 May 2012

Glasgee Lowland Rats - part four

A real quicky. Here is the painted banner for the Glasgee Lowland Rats. Painted on to sticky labels paper and drawn in pencil before being painted in acrylics.

The design is loosely based on a similar flag painted by Fog Soldiers, with the background of the flag of St Andrew. The two Scottish thistles are a little bit of artistic licence while the central scull motif is from a GW Tank transfer sheet highlighter with acrylic paint.

I have no idea what to write as a legend so have just added some rough letters/markings.

The flag will be cut to size before glueing to the standard pole and a thin sheet of tomato purée tube will be sandwiched in between the two images to give the flag some body.

The flag will be added once the miniatures are gloss varnished.



  1. Happy for inspiring your flag.
    Now our rats have to fight togheter those ****** elves...;-)

    And Happy Wargaming.


  2. Scottish Lowland -highlanders - the thistles - great paintjob bloodthirsty rattish highlanders
