Sunday 17 June 2012

Blog response to Jameson Caine aka Shadow

Anyone else seen this YouTube Video?

I thought I would have a bit of fun and not being video enabled, I will have to do it the old fashioned way.

Question One;
How did you get started in the hobby?
I can never remember a time when I was not involved. My father, Uncle and Grandfather made models and there was always the smell of balsawood glue or plastic solvent in the house. Seriously, I can remember my father building balsawood models when I was younger than 10 and my Grandfather having a huge model railway set in his spare bedroom, then there is my Uncle John who still collects models and who used to build 1/72nd scale American Jets. He was so cool to a young teenager and used to lend me all his model books and magazines.

Question Two;
Gamer or Hobbyist?
Definitely a hobbyist. No question. No doubt - not even a little bit. Actually 5% Gamer vs. 95% Hobbyist.

Question Three;
My first model, assembled and painted?
I am sure there are earlier ones but three stand out. A whole box of early Airfix Sherman tanks and American half-tracks, painted green with badly applied transfers. Then a Revel 1/32nd scale Junkers Ju87 Stuka with a red and white snake down the side. Oh boy do I crave rebuilding this monster again. Finally a 54mm scale Airfix Highlander with intricate Black Watch tartan painted with Humbrol enamels.

Question Four;
My favourite paint?
As with question two - there is no hesitation it has to be Snakebite Leather from Games Workshop. I go through loads of this particular colour.

Question Five;
Rate myself as a painter 1 - to - 10.
I rate myself around 6 or 7, I know that I should be better, but I just love to paint and rush through this part of the hobby a little quickly.

Question Six;
My goals as a painter?
To get through my lead mountain. I have loads of unpainted models and just want to get them painted. I am attempting to achieve this with The Pledge, my goal to paint ten groups or regiments of miniatures before the end of the year.

Question Seven;
What does my Wife think of my hobby?
Hold on I'll ask.  Direct quote; "It's a nice relaxing and interesting hobby."

Question Eight;
Have I ever been ridiculed (with relation to the hobby)?
No. I think it is all about having the confidence to explain it properly.

Question Nine;
Have I ever thought about giving up the hobby?
Hell No.

Question Ten;
Is there a cuter gamer than Joey Warhammer?
Get a life! Seriously, what a stupid question and you were going so well up to then.

There you go. I hope that someone reads this and thinks that it is interesting - and sorry it's not a video response. Maybe one day.


1 comment:

  1. Lovely responses Tony!

    Yes, question 10, youtube is a strange place. I am still getting used to it!

