Friday 1 June 2012

The Pledge for June 2012

The Pledge for June is quite advanced as The Lowland Rats (see earlier posts) were finished earlier than expected. However rather than give details and post images of the miniatures I am working on for June, I thought I would tease you with this single image of the hand painted flag which I will be using for this particular regiment. Obviously it is a Flintloque regiment, therefore the traditional or historical 'N' has been replaced by a 'M', for Mordred. The flag is painted on to a sticky-back label and will be wrapped around the flag pole with a square of tomato purée tube sandwiched between the images to add some body.

Any ideas? 

The main area of the flag is 24mm x 24mm and was first drawn in pencil before being painted in acrylics. OK, it might be obvious, but I like the idea of keeping my readers in suspense.

More to follow.



  1. I think I have some idea of what these may be,
    Colour me excited!

