Sunday 1 July 2012

HELP 50 Comments Needed - URGENTLY

I need your help and quickly. Craig Andrews of Barking Irons Online has 'thrown down the gauntlet' and challenged me to obtain 50 comments to this post before the end of July. If we succeed (and I am confident we will) Craig promises to upload the third part of the Deadloque Story/Gaming scenario - Getting Ahead. Part one can be found here and part two here.

I have had to wait eight months to see part two posted on BIO after the first part was posted for Halloween 2011 and am determined that part three will be posted quicker.

I have to admit that I have never had 50 comments to any one of my Blog posts, but am willing to fight tooth and nail to do what ever it takes to get part three uploaded by Craig by July 31st.

Please help.

For details of the challenge see comments on this post here.


UPDATE 11.01am Tuesday 3rd July - just over 30 hours since I posted this appeal.

51 posts in a day and a half and I was worried that it might take until the end of July. Thank you to all who took the trouble to post and don't worry if you still want to support this appeal, all comments greatly received.

To Craig.
You had better sharpen up your pencil and get editing as there are a number of Bloggers who will be watching out for Part Three of Getting Ahead.

I think the point that came across loud and clear is that you want terrain building articles. Well I can confirm that Craig has a couple already in the works and there are at least five which are either completed or nearing completions. I will post details here once I have more information.

Once again thank you.



  1. Let me be the first then as is only right and proper!

    Good luck!


  2. That's another comment! Looking forward to see the other part.

  3. Love to see the story finished. We need more comments!

  4. Good luck on getting the 50 comments!!!

  5. I want to see that story and scenario, so let's do this.

  6. I want to see that story and scenario, so let's do this.

  7. Well, I guess it['s time you get cracking on this then!

  8. Seems like it's time to get cracking on this then!

  9. Seems like it's time to get cracking on this then!

  10. I'm sure I'm allowed to post as well.

    Get writing Craig!

    The original story was first penned back in August 2011, it was sent to Craig who agreed that it would make a good Halloween story and so part one was published on 31st October 2011.

    Part two was then published on 31st June. Admittedly Craig has done a a lot of work editing the original draft but I just want to see the trilogy completed and made into a Hollywood blockbuster.

    Keep up the comments.


  11. If you get 51 comments do we get another 'How to make Terrain' article? I for one would like to see a nice little article on how to make brick walls!

  12. A worthy cause!
    If only more would be willing to be so motivated. Looking at you George R.R.Martin.

    Good luck!

  13. Hey, I'm all for more terrain articles too. Looking forward to it.

  14. Of course I'll comment - I want to see more of your terrain tutorials as well, and if they're related to the Deadloque story that'll be cool as well!

  15. Well I may as well add a comment. Though got to say that I like the terrain articles too.

  16. Oh look its a comment!

    OK been up working most of the night (and a fair chunk of the day)

    Did get some good news - 1 of the prawns in the fish tank has survived going through the pump and was to be found well and fat in the bottom of the filter stack!

    No what has that to do with wargaming you may ask...

  17. Well they can't be zombies if they don't have a head. but here is a post for you.

  18. Looking good, photos great. Keep it up, good luck with the challenge.

  19. Well, when you said headless zombies, you meant headless zombies. They do look really nice. Not over the top gory.

  20. Tally Ho!

    (So how does "double tapping" work with headless zombies?

  21. COMMENT!

    I love some of the stuff you do...

  22. Another comment! And now I can paint my Flintloque miniatures...


  23. Well I always want to see more, so I'm willing to add to this. Not only that, I will send people your way from Youtube too!


  24. Great brushwork!

    Really enjoyed the models :)

  25. whats with the lack of heads?

  26. And what's wrong with being a robot? Filthy fleshbag mechaphobes.

  27. Do all the duplicate comments count? Do your own comments count? Valid questions I'm sure!

  28. Well, I'm game. Bring it on!

  29. nicely done. how about some sabot basing for "rank" zombies

  30. Hello Tony,

    I owe you many comments. I frequently visit your web site and am inspired by your projects. Looking at your scenic items, I see a gravestone with a goblin holding a sword in one hand, and a musket in the other. Have you considered swapping the an umbrella for the sword?

  31. I've always wanted to post no. 36 on a comments list.

  32. Don't know if this is slightly cheating but I'd like to see another terrain tutorial as well. Loved the cabbage patch one that appeared a while ago.


  33. The paint jobs are impressive. By using the red and white consistently across all the models, you made them all appear to wear the same uniform, even though the coats and skin are different colors. Very nicely done.

  34. adding my comment to this list, good luck!

  35. Yes I would love to see part 3 a lot sooner than we have waited for part 2. Enjoy looking at your work and would love a terrain article.

  36. Lets get part 3 out there.

  37. Good luck - I can add number 44 - you are getting close :)

  38. When you are assembling your undead sections, do you imagine they are mostly of one type, e.g. elf, or a mix, e.g. elf, dogmen, dwarf, etc., within a single section?


  39. If you were going to make a dwarf zombie from a Finklestein Witchlands model, how would you go about it? A few holes to suggest fatal wounds, perhaps, and filing down some facial features, perhaps altering others with green stuff to give them that undead look?


  40. Good luck getting your dream!!!

  41. I'm glad that you present these via a blog instead of as a video on YouTube. There is so much information that one misses in watching video that is captured in well written text.


  42. The zombie skin tones came out more pleasing in this project then they did in the Guard project. I recall you had some problem with the wash on those. Still, the effect can be positive in that those were, rules-wise, very different zombies, savants, and the skin tone helps set them apart.

    Let's see OITW generate 50 comments. Heh, heh. Mark

  43. Thank you Tony for all your postings. I am sorry I rarely take the time to comment, but truly do enjoy them, and consider your methods before tacking my own projects.


  44. Don't mind helping to put you over the top.


  45. Well while the idea doesn't fascinate me I find that it is interesting to follow this story line. I actually cosidered a fantasy setting in the black powder era but when I saw Flintloque (spelling) world I realized 1) I couldn't do it justice and 2) it already had been done, almost certainly better than I could do it.

    This story line makes the world setting a little richer than it was before. Great article!



  46. You know I follow your blog. Aleksander forever to squash the Grand Alliance and all others!

  47. Hello
    I often browse your blog, so here is a comment, although you already have your target. i enjoy seeing your work and reading your articles on the links you put up. Thank you for all your inspiration.
