Tuesday 10 July 2012

The Pledge for July - Bange and Oafson LE045

The Pledge for July is this latest Limited Edition pack from Alternative Armies The Trolkin brothers Bange and Oafson Le045 which I picked up at Salute 2012 earlier this year.

There is already a very good review of these character miniatures on You Tube produced by Rob Alderman, for full details go to this link.

Photos One and Two - Show the miniatures still in their blister packs. Number 118 of just 1000 limited edition castings from AA.

Photo Three - Is it Bange or is it Oafson? I have mounted the metal miniature on to a UK 2p coin and built up the groundwork with Milliput. I have also replaced the metal spear with a length of metal wire, retaining the spear head and replacing it on the end with a dab of superglue.

Photo Four - The other one. Again mounted on to a 2p coin with the groundwork built up with Milliput.

These are quite hefty miniatures, in the typical Flintloque style. I am really looking forward to painting them. I know that it's only two figures when my Pledge states that I will produce at least five minis, but I just couldn't help myself and after seeing the great painting job that Rob had done on his I wanted to paint my miniatures as soon as possible.

The minis are available from Alternative Armies for the very reasonable cost of £8.00.



  1. Hello Tony!
    Looking forward to seeing these! Glad you like them. The Trolkin with the Lance is Oafson and the One with thick glasses and a Blunderbuss is Bange. There is a free document on the AA website about them here: http://alternative-armies.com/Trolkin_of_Copendaz.htm

    Cheers again!

  2. Thanks Rob.

    I have the download - but forgot it had details of these Trolkin brothers.


  3. Excellent Stuff Tony!

    I cannot wait to see what stony colours you choose for the flesh of the terrible twins.

    They featured in the Flintloque demo game at Salute 2012 and went down really well.

    Happy Painting.

