Monday 23 July 2012

Some experiments with a Light Box

This afternoon I have been experimenting with a 'Heath Robinson' Light Box built out of a couple of sheets of cardboard, a melon carton and some bamboo sticks.

Photo One - A plain white background in direct sunlight.

Photo Two - Again the plain white background and direct sunlight, but this time with the Macro setting on the digital camera..

Photo Three - Indirect sunlight through a diffuser, some clear packing film held in place with masking tape. (I told you it was Heath Robinson!)

Photo Four - As above but with the Macro setting.

Photo Five - Artificial light this time, a single 60watt standard bulb lit from above.

Photo Six - Artificial light but with the Macro setting.

Interesting experiments. At this moment I am going with the diffused lighting as it has less stark shadows.  However what am I going to do when the winter comes and good sunlight is in short supply?

For the past three/four years I have been using a pale blue background (see earlier posts) but I have been told that if I want to proceed with a PDF book on building wargame terrain, I will need A - a better camera (unlikely at this moment as funds are tight) and B - a light box.

I'll keep you informed of developments.



  1. A "daylight" or full spectrum bulb might help for the winter.

  2. I'll second a daylight bulb, I've been using one for all of my miniature photo'ing for a few years now

  3. You can also use a halogen bulb (very bright) and then diffuse it to use it during the day.

    And more powerful cameras can be hired/borrowed for a weekend's work if you plan everything out in advance.

  4. What are you doing about exposure times? Even with poor light a long exposure will sort it out.
    You could heath robinson up a light box quite easily. Plasic rods and quality tracing paper/diffuse plastic. There are small ones going on ebay but may be too small for terrain pieces. Daylight bulbs really help as well. if you camera has a bulb setting or ability to add a shutter release cable would definately help.
