Tuesday 11 September 2012

My Workbench - September 2012

Having had a quiet and relaxing August, September has come in with a bang and various projects are backing-up. Stick with me and I am sure normal service will be resumed very soon.

My main commission work has landed two fantastic new modelling project, including a model that I have wanted to build for over two years. I'll post details once I have clearance.

Craig at Barking Irons Online has a number of finished articles which should keep him supplied until after Christmas. Craig is also working on the new S.P.Q.ORC Pax Bochemannica game and there should be either images or even a couple of modelling articles to support the game. Things are a little fluid at the moment with a launch date of December 2012 looming quickly.

On top of these modelling projects Craig will be asking for written contributions for the Orcs in the Webbe Advent Calendar 2012 and I have promised a Foul Mouth Freddy story. Quite a long story this time.

I can also report that four separate modelling projects have been written for inclusion in traditionally published paper magazines.  The lead times on these can be quite long and therefore I am not able to give too much detail here. Again, once I have more info. I will post links.

My plans to have a 'How to build Wargame Terrain' E-Book continues with the first test pieces already written. It is still my hope to have a finished E-Book ready for sale in early 2013.  The format follows the Masterclass Articles/Tutorials available on Barking Irons Online. We (Craig Andrews is helping with the layout and proofreading) are looking at ways to have it published. All of the featured articles will be completely new builds - not seen anywhere else and will develop from small, simple pieces to at least one huge and completely original scratch-built model.

So, a busy month - as well as work and family life helping to compress the free time I have to model and write, September looks like being a blur.

Stick with me.



  1. Busy, Busy, Busy.

    This all sounds super Tony. I look forward to seeing and reading all of this late on in the year.


  2. I am looking forward to your book! Your painting table looks like the home of a tidy and organized mind. Mine, not so much. :)

  3. Hi Mike.

    "Your painting table looks like the home of a tidy and organized mind."

    Hah! No chance - you should see it now, a right mess, not enough spare room to place an empty paint pot. You are seeing it at its very best.


  4. Sounds like a busy schedule!

    Do you have a seperate space for modeling and terrain building, or do you work with just the one desk?

  5. No just the one small table in the-shed-at-the-bottom-of-the-garden.

    Painting and modelling from just the one area.


  6. Wow, that desk does look tidy! Readers...it's not always like this! :P Looks like you've got loads on, Dad. Ebook sounds exciting too! xxx

  7. Exceptional Workbenches and desks really makes it easier and a lot more comfortable to work.
