Monday 3 September 2012

Pax Bochemannica - The Pledge for September

My Pledge for September 2012 is this group of six pre-production miniatures for the soon to be released game S.P.Q.ORC - Pax Bochemannica from Maveryc

Photo One - Shows the three Nomans based on 2p coins. There was very little cleaning up needed on these fantastic figures however I have left off the large Roman shields while I glued the Pilum with superglue in three places - The hand, the shoulder and the side of the helmet.

Photo two - The three Halfling Boche, this time based on 1p coins. Once again very little cleaning up.

For more information, see earlier post here.

I allowed myself a little holiday last month as there was no Pledge for August. This group should prove easy to complete in a month, although I do have quite a bit of outstanding work on the bench!


1 comment:

  1. I remember when this game was released previously and regretted now buying it. Glad to see it back and the new figures look very nice :)
