Tuesday 9 October 2012

S.P.Q.ORC - Pax Bochemannica - some progress (at last)

There is a lot going on with this little project - most either Top Secret or awaiting publication on the official Pax Bochemannica Web pages. So I have not been idle, it is just that what has been done is still in the pipeline.

However I eventually got around to adding some paint to these fantastic miniatures. Contrary to my usual style I did not start with the flesh areas but instead I painted the armour first.

The metal areas are Boltgum Metal base with a Badab Black wash, highlighted with a Boltgun/Mithril Silver mid coat and a highlight of pure Mithril Silver.  The Gold areas were built up over Dwarf Bronze, a mid coat of Shining Gold and a highlight of Burnished Gold with a watered down wash of Gryphonne Sepia.

There are still some bits of tidying-up to do, but I'm pleased so far.....

These really are fantastic sculpts - Dave Toone has done a marvellous job on capturing the classic Roman armour and giving each figure a real personality. Now that I have them back on my workbench (after such a long time working on other models and projects) I am confident that these Nomans will be finished very soon.


1 comment:

  1. Hi Tony, great to see some progress!
    Don't let them get in the way of other projects though! I love reading your blog and check it regularly.

    Can't wait to see them fully painted...

