Tuesday 6 November 2012

S.P.Q.ORC -Pax Bochemannica - the Halflings

The Boche Halflings have patiently sat on my workbench for some time while I battled with the larger Orc Legionnaires or Nomans. My first job was to dust them off and re-do the black undercoat. I have used some Vallejo Game Color Black and a large brush to paint over the original Black spray paint and make sure I have completely covered the whole model.

The Halflings are mounted onto 1p coins with the groundwork built up from Milliput and small 'gritty' stones pushed into the still soft epoxy to add some added interest. The rest of the bare bases have been treated to my usual texturing technique, with sieved stones and fine sand added over uPVA glue.

There was very little cleaning-up - I think these may have been pre-production castings. For more information please go to this post.

The three miniatures were given to me by Dave Toone (who sculpted the figures) with a set of test or pre-production rules for S.P.Q.ORC - Pax Bochemannica.


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