Monday 3 December 2012

The painting of Charlie Grey

Yesterdays post The Legend of Charlie Grey showed a simply painted Orc Marine miniature. I thought I would show some work-in-progress shots of the figure.

There was some Green Stuff re-sculpting of the standard mini. I have rebased the figure on to s 2p coin and built up the groundwork with Milliput.

The finished Orc Redcoat was painted over a Dark Grey base and highlighted with Stonewall Grey from Vallejo, then highlighted again with Stonewall Grey and Skull White.

When the main figure was finished, I washed the whole mini with some Green Wash from Citadel and then picked out the flesh areas and the white cross belts with pure Skull White. The tongue is pale pink and the eyes Blood Red.

The base is painted in my usual colours with a basecoat of Snakebite Leather.


1 comment:

  1. Simple, but very effective. I like that you have still managed to break the model up with very subtle tone/shade differentiation. Good work! :)

