Tuesday 29 January 2013

Historcy a new Yahoo Group

The old Flintloque Yahoo Group has had a make-over and will now be called Historcy - in truth very little has changed as over the last couple of years 'other game systems' have crept in one at a time. the most recent S.P.Q.Orc - Pax Bochemannica has been previewed here on this Blog for some time.

Steve Blease (editor of Ragnarok, co-writer of the original Flintloque and all-round good chap) made the announcement earlier today, see this link from The Miniatures Page or this post on the new group.

Over the last couple of years the official Flintloque Yahoo Group - The Notables has become the main mouthpiece for Flintloque, ably supported by Barking Irons Online and Orcs in the Webbe. In addition the new Maveryc Blog promises to supply breaking news related to this new game. Given all of the above, it makes sense to have a New Yahoo group supporting all such Orcy-led games. If you are interested in joining, check out this link.

As well as S.P.Q.Orc - Pax Bochemannica,

and Flintloque,

There is the promise of some WW1 Dwarves and Panzerfauste. I look forward to seeing what develops.

Good luck to all concerned. Huzzah!



  1. This is a nice idea Tony.

    Certainly fans of Flintloque are spoiled for choice for its material on our forums and websites plus Craig Andrews OITW too.

    How about using an image on the group home page that features miniatures from all the game systems together, this would spread the message very well that it is for everything.


  2. Very nice figures, love the colors!

  3. Great suggestion Gavin. I'll pass this on to Steve.


  4. Just gone to buy some Maveryc stuff from their website and it looks like theyve gone under - blog has gone too
