Saturday 19 January 2013

January 2013 update

Already nineteen days into the New Year and so much to report.....

The recent bad weather has curtailed any chance of either model making or painting miniatures. This is an image of the-shed-at-the-bottom-of-the-garden. Taken yesterday afternoon before the worst had come!

Although I have heating and light in the shed, this cold weather plays havoc with my plans.

Another milestone for this Blog. My followers have reached 350. Welcome one and all - I hope you continue to like what you see.

Craig Andrews at Barking Irons Online has promised three updates or items of new content every week. Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I look forward to seeing the result of this promise.

Finally for this short update - Dave Toone has started a new S.P.Q.Orc - Pax Bochemannica Blog for full details go to this link.




  1. We were in your neighborhood (well, in Cardiff at any rate, much more your neighborhood than my usual haunts) at Boxing Day just past. Should have thought to arrange to meet for a pint.

    The Goat Major was quite nice.
