Thursday 28 February 2013

Flash Gordon in a Power Suit - finished

Photos One and Two - show the gloss varnished figure. I have used Ronseal Toughcoat Gloss.

Photos Three to Eight - Show the finished miniature, matt varnished with Galleria matt varnish and then flocked with static grass over uPVA glue

Another Flash Gordon miniature to add to my 40mm Flash figure collection. I admit that the painting could have been better, but I am very pleased with the final result.

The figure stands 45mm tall (base of feet to top of head), slightly taller than my usual 40mm models, but still acceptable. I also think that the armoured Ground Zero Games Appleseed Landmate works well as a 40mm space suit.



  1. An imposing model. Nice work. It's a winner in my book.

  2. Great to see this finished Tony. I have been following the posts with interest.

    Good job!


  3. Looking great! - He's an appropriately lantern jawed hero, I see!

    Interesting to see pics like that of the contrast between the gloss and matte coats of varnish - looks the business when done...
